Friday, June 24, 2011

Varanasi, India, usually people start to itch and have a problem with body odor if it did not shower all day. But there is a man who does not itch at all although never bathe for 37 years and became a human candidate most odor world.
Most Odor Human World Kailash Singh, 65-year-old Indian man who lived in the holy city of Varanasi on the banks of river Ganges bath last time in 1974, shortly after he married. Since then Singh also did not shave today seudah gimbalnya whose length exceeds the height.

When asked why, Singh claimed not to shower so someday be blessed with sons. The father of 7 children who all these women believe, if he consistently does not shower then one day she would conceive a boy.

Meanwhile his wife, Kalavati Devi is 60 years old also can not understand the mindset of her husband. Devi often threaten not want to share a bed if Singh did not bathe, but the threat is ignored so that Devi gave up.

You can imagine how the body odor Singh who daily work in the fields under the blazing sun temperature of 47 degrees Celsius. The only way Singh is just a ritual to clean the body 'shower of fire' that is dancing around the campfire every night praying.

"We often try to bathe her by force, but he always rebelled and ran away. He said he chose to die rather than have a bath. Anyway, he would only have a shower when it's a boy," Devi said as quoted from Dailymail, Friday (24 / 6 / 2011).

Not only his wife who was troubled, the villagers especially the children too much to make fun of Singh. Whenever Singh passed on his bicycle, children are often running behind him shouting taunts like, "No showers! No Bath!"

Unlike Devi and other villagers, namely Pooja Singh's eldest son actually proud of his father's behavior that made him so popular at school. 16 years old girl was admitted a lot of curious to meet with Singh just to see directly.

"My friends always wondered how my father could live for years without a bath. Many of those who want to see it with my own eyes" said Pooja.

Until now there has been no official world record relating one's body odor. Yet with strange habits who never bathe and shave the hair for 37 years, Singh seems to have qualified to be candidates for the odor of human world.

As reported previously detikHealth, regular bathing is not only useful for cleaning the body from germs that stick in the body. Several studies have shown, bathe regularly can also reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disorders.



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