Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tonight the Giants went up 3 games to 1 in the World Series against the Texas Rangers.  They had three home runs, one of which had a man on base, giving the Giants the 4 runs.  Texas is not often shut out in their own stadium, but they were tonight.

Former President George W. Bush threw out the first pitch with his father by his side, the former President George H.W. Bush.

It's beginning to look like a Giants series.  It's hard to come back and win the World Series when a team is down 3 games to 1, but it has been done...six times, as a matter of fact.  The last team to do it was the Kansas City Royals in 1985 against St. Louis.  I have posted a list of the teams that came back from the dead below.

Needless to say, I won't be cheering a San Francisco championship until the last out of the last game.  Nevertheless....GO GIANTS!!

Teams That Won the World Series After Being Down 3 games to 1 in the World Series:

1. 1903 Boston Americans (Red Sox), down 1-3, won World Series 5-3 over Pittsburgh (best of nine format).

2. 1925 Pittsburgh Pirates, down 1-3, won World Series 4-3 over Washington.

3. 1958 New York Yankees, down 1-3, won World Series 4-3 over Milwaukee.

4. 1968 Detroit Tigers, down 1-3, won World Series 4-3 over St. Louis.

5. 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates, down 1-3, won World Series 4-3 over Baltimore.

6. 1985 Kansas City Royals, down 1-3, won World Series 4-3 over St. Louis.


Bollywood Actress Jaqueline Fernandez photoshoot for Cosmopolitan Magazine 2010
Jaqueline Fernandez photoshoot for Cosmopolitan Magazine
Jaqueline Fernandez Cosmopolitan Magazine

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan & Abhishek Bachchan on the sets of Koffee with Karan

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan on the sets of Koffee with Karan

Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone and Sidhartha Mallya, the owner of Kingfisher Airlines, judged models for the Kingfisher Calendar 2011 in Mumbai on October 26.
Many aspiring models took part in the contest with the hope of appearing in the limited edition Kingfisher swimsuit calendar.
This year, too, ace lensman Atul Kasbekar will shoot the entire calendar.
Deepika Padukone

This is a reprint of a very important article posted at Infidel Bloggers Alliance.

Below is the speech given at yesterday’s (30th Oct 2010) demonstration at Generatorstraat in Amsterdam by the British author and former Parliamentary candidate Paul Weston.

My name is Paul Weston, and I represent the International Free Press Society.

And I am standing here today because our liberal elites have betrayed our countries to Islam.

Forty-two years ago the British politician Enoch Powell made his famous “Rivers of Blood” speech, in which he stated that “The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils.”

Our politicians today do the exact opposite. They actively promote a preventable evil.

But eighty years ago one man, Winston Churchill, was very clear about preventing a clear and present evil, Herr Hitler and the Nazis. But Churchill was a lone voice crying in the wind of appeasement, and the carnage that could have been avoided came with a vengeance.

And today Europe finds itself in much the same position. Even as Islam grows demographically, territorially, and militantly, it is promoted as the “religion of peace” by the same type of cowardly, careerist politicians who once appeased Hitler. Islam was not the religion of peace to Winston Churchill. He described it as the religion of blood and war.

Anyone with a knowledge of the foundations and history of Islamic expansion knows this to be the truth.

Mohammed was a warlord. And a very good warlord indeed. By the time of his death he had militarily defeated and converted most of the pagan and Christian tribes of the Arabian Peninsula.

After his death Islam rapidly expanded at the point of a sword, defeating ancient civilisations and overrunning continents as it did so.

And today it is within Europe, it is within the West, and it is calling for what it has always called for: total Islamic domination. And if we wish to resist, then they will use terror against us.

Yet still our treasonous politicians call it the “religion of peace”, and tell us that if we refuse to share such a fantastical and ridiculous notion, that if we choose to believe Winston Churchill’s argument that Islam is a religion of blood and war, then we will be sent to prison.

Of course it is not a religion of peace. Its founder was a warrior, and the highest honour bestowed upon a Muslim is the promise of hordes of scented houris and an eternal leg-over in the after life, achievable not by being a good Samaritan, but by dying as a martyr in the physical battle to expand imperialist Islam.

Islam literally means submission. What kind of a religion can possibly call itself submission?

Islam divides the world into two spheres. The House of Islam (submission) and the House of War. What kind of religion defines itself by military conquest?

Yet our leaders tell us we cannot criticise Islam because it is a religion, whilst the organisation of the Islamic conference, in cahoots with the united nations is striving to make any criticism of Islam illegal.

But Islam is so much more than just a religion. It is a political, social, legal and structural blueprint which totally dominates a devout Muslim’s life, and wishes coincidentally to dominate all devout non-Muslims’ lives as well.

It is profoundly illiberal and it is profoundly undemocratic. It does not believe in the man-made laws of democracy, preferring instead to adhere to the absolute word of Allah, as interpreted by an illiterate 7th-century desert dweller.

And our politicians have imported this illiberal and undemocratic ideology into the liberal democracies than make up the West, and then they dare to criminalise us when we object to this!

But how can we not criticise Islam? Can our politicians really protect it as a religion and therefore place it out of legal reach?

When homosexuals are hung from cranes, is this political Islam in action or religious Islam?

When adulterous women are buried up to their shoulders in sand and stoned to death, is this political Islam or religious Islam?

When Muslims who wish to leave Islam are issued with death sentences, is this political Islam, or is this religious Islam?

When wives and daughters are slaughtered to protect their families’ honour by husbands fathers and uncles, is this political Islam or religious Islam?

If it is political, then it must be denounced as evil and barbaric. If it religious, how can it possibly not be denounced as the same? What is evil is evil and what is barbaric is barbaric and cannot be exempted from criticism because it is sheltered by the word “religion”.

In criminalising free speech, our socialist leaders reveal their dictatorial ambition. The mark of a free society is freedom of speech. To take this away is a totalitarian act, made all the worse because freedom of speech is our only defence in the peaceful opposition against the foreign totalitarian ideology of Islam.

And I hope this irony is not lost on you. In order to protect and advance a foreign totalitarian ideology, our own rulers are prepared to adopt native totalitarian means to stop us defending our democracy and our freedom.

The West lives in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights. Islam does not. They signed up instead to the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam.

But they have a very important caveat: when sharia law collides with human rights law, guess which law prevails?

Quite so. Sharia is the top trumps when it comes to human rights.

This is like a signatory to the Geneva convention murdering and torturing prisoners of war, and being given a pass at a war trial because it was “part of their religion.”

And when our politicians today excuse Islam as a religion of peace and allow them to set the rules both at home, at the European Union, and at the United Nations, then our politicians are betraying their countries and they are betraying their people. They are committing treason.

“Can one commit treason in a time of peace?” people may ask. But are we really at peace?

We may not consider ourselves at war with Islam, but Islam considers itself at war with us.

And it is a war we are losing. Territorially, demographically, politically, and democratically.

In fact, it is a war of aggression on two fronts. Radical Islam on the one, and left-wing treason on the other.

Our children are told to celebrate multiculturalism and Islam, without being told the real history of violent expansionist Islam.

Instead, they are told that their own history, their religion, their culture, their traditions, their very being, is just a litany of imperialism, racism, murder and slavery. This is a proven psychological technique designed to render an enemy helpless, or to quote Alexander Solzhenitsyn, “in order to destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.”

Any government that does this to its own people, to its own children, is a government that deserves, manifestly deserves, to be overthrown.

Can anyone really argue that a government that praises the foreign invader whilst psychologically and legally stripping away the defences of its people is a government that is not guilty of treason?

Now here we come to a more uplifting part of this depressing monologue, because in this part of the battle we are advancing. Slowly, admittedly, but relentlessly, and I think we are now unstoppable.

Geert Wilders here in the Netherlands, René Stadtkewitz in Germany, whose immediate popularity caused Angela Merkel to make an abrupt U-turn and denounce Multiculturalism.

The Sweden Democrats, Heinz-Christian Strache in Austria, the Swiss People’s Party, and in England we await a political movement to pick up the baton from the rapidly growing English Defence League.

And that growth can only accelerate. As more and more people become aware of Islam and become aware of the depth of treason perpetrated by their liberal rulers, and most importantly, as people lose their fear of being labelled a racist — which was a label specifically designed to strip us of resistance against a racially designated invader who uses race as a weapon.

In fact, let us deal with this “racist” label right now. It is not racist to defend your country against an obvious and growing threat. It is not racist to defend your culture, your heritage, and your traditions. It is not racist to work to ensure a democratic future for your children and grandchildren.

If you choose not to defend your country, your culture and the democratic future of your children, then you may well pat yourselves on the back in your non-racist champagne socialist cocktail bars in Islington; you may well love other people’s anti-racist credentials almost as much as you love your own; but there is no getting away from the label I have for you.

You are a traitor and a betrayer of your country, a betrayer of your culture, and a betrayer of our yet unborn children.

And you are a racist, indeed a genocidal racist. Young native Europeans will become a demographic ethnic minority within their own homelands if immigration rates and birth rates stay the way they are for just one more generation.

This can politely be called population replacement. More crudely, it is bloodless genocide.

The United Nations is very clear on this. Their definition of genocide is as follows:


Article 2.

In the present convention genocide means any of the acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, racial or religious group.

We have been betrayed.

And one of the saddest aspects of this betrayal is the effect it has had on those old ex-warriors who fought for their countries in recent living memory.

Ex-Spitfire pilot Alex Henshaw died three years ago. He was acutely aware of the political betrayal of his country. He said:

“I feel extreme emotional sadness for the young men I knew that gave their lives willingly for a cause in which we all believed. And I often say to myself that if those young boys would come down now and walk through the villages, through the towns and through the cities and look around and see what is happening to us, they would say somewhere along the line we have been betrayed.”

Yes, Mr. Henshaw, I am afraid you have, and all of you socialist/liberal/left-wing people need to know what you have done.

You need to take a walk around your cities, towns and villages, take a look at the hundreds of thousand of graves standing as testament to the ultimate sacrifice made by our young men in order that you may live in a liberal democracy today.

You need to understand that this a not just betrayal, but a triple betrayal:

*The betrayal of all our old soldiers whose sacrifice granted us freedom,

* The betrayal of my generation who you threaten to imprison if we defend our inherited freedom, and

* The betrayal of our yet unborn, who, unless we stop it seem set to inherit a country racked with tribal and religious hatred, which must inevitably lead to a continental scale multicultural war that will make the break-up of Yugoslavia look like a bun-fight.

And, of course, it is also the betrayal of freedom and democracy.

Because freedom and democracy did not just magically appear. They evolved over two and a half thousand years, rooted in Greco-Roman Judeo-Christian ancestry. And were fought for and defended with much blood and sacrifice.

Democracy and freedom are not the personal possessions of socialist politicians to be handed away, without our agreement, to the descendants of a 7th century desert warlord, who view our attachment to democracy as just a weakness to be used against us.

I do not blame Islam. Fundamentalist Muslims are just doing what it says in the book.

But I do blame our politicians. There are two sides in this civilisational stand-off, and our politicians have sided with the enemy.

So I say to them:
You may well hold the levers of power at the moment, but we are on the rise and we are unstoppable. Do you seriously think you can do what you have done to your own people without repercussion?

You could stop this now if you chose to, by the simple expedient of putting the interests of your own people before the interests of Islam.

But you won’t do that will you? So you put us in an almost impossible position. If we do nothing we must accept our children and grandchildren will one day live under sharia law.

And if we do something, then it must by definition be revolutionary. But we did not start this. You did. Most of us would have been quite happy to mow the lawn, hold down a mundane job, and pay our taxes.

You have made us revolutionaries. And whilst your behaviour suggests you fear Islam more than you fear us, let me tell you something, you lying, betraying, treacherous, socialist careerists:

We might not hold power today, but given another decade, we will, and then we will hold you to account. You will appear before a Nuremberg-style court, and you will be tried for treason, and you will be tried for crimes against humanity, and for the first time in a very long time you will be answerable to us!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

As I expected, the Rangers won the third game of the World Series over the Giants, 4 - 2.  This was the first World Series game ever in Arlington Park, and was the first World Series win ever for the Texas Rangers.  The Giants lead the series 2 games to 1 and play resumes tomorrow at 5:20 PST.

Congratulations to the Rangers -- a great team from a great state!

Bill Maher, a dedicated leftist who hosts the show Real Time on HBO, has expressed concern over the Islamization of the West.  Mediate reports:

Maher made a Juan Williams-esque confession on his program when he apprehensively noted that Mohammed has just become the most popular baby name in Britain. “Am I a racist to feel alarmed by that?” Maher asked his panel. “Because I am. And it’s not because of the race, it’s because of the religion. I don’t have to apologize, do I, for not wanting the Western world to be taken over by Islam in 300 years?”
One panel member informed Maher that if he worked for NPR, he'd be fired for saying that.
Hoover further stoked Maher by claiming that the U.K is saddled with a “far bigger problem” than baby names: Sharia Law, which she said is creeping into England.

“Then I’m right,” Maher said, taking her for her word. “I should be alarmed. And I don’t apologize for it.”
Lawrence Auster at View From the Right says that Maher's statements may indicate a signficant awakening to the Islamic threat.  He writes:
My guess is that Maher himself doesn't mean anything serious by this, because he's too much of a liberal hater of our society to want to defend it from any enemy. But, just as with the recent stunning statements about Islam by Chancelor Merkel, who also didn't mean anything, the fact that he uttered such thoughts indicates a growing, or at least dawning, awareness in the West of the Islam threat, and this is significant. 

Friday, October 29, 2010

Candidate Van Tran, left, is interviewed by Tim Daniel
Tim Daniel, better known as the blogger Left Coast Rebel, made his debut on Pajamas TV.  Tim interviewed Republican candidate Van Tran, who is running for Congress from Orange County against Democrat Loretta Sanchez.

You have to subscribe to PJTV to watch the video, but the sign-up is free, and you can watch many great videos there hereinafter.  Here's the link.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I had to go to a tax class tonight so couldn't watch the second game of the World Series.  I kept sneaking peeks at my iPhone Sportacular ap to keep up with the scores.  Finally, after several scoreless innings, the Giants led by 1 - 0, then 2 - 0 going into the 8th inning.  The next time I looked at my iPhone the game was over and the score was 9 to Zip!  I couldn't believe my eyes.

Apparently, Texas's pitching really fell apart in the 8th inning.  The bases were loaded, mainly on walks, and two runners were walked home for scores.  Then a single scored another two.

The Giants scored seven runs in the 8th inning, their greatest number in Giants post-season history.  Their former record was six hits in one inning in the 1937 World Series against the Yankees, a record they tied only yesterday against the Rangers.

I am hoping for a Giants win, but I won't tie myself up in knots with anxiety.  We've been here before and watched the dream crumble at the last minute.

I imagine the atmosphere will be different back in Rangers stadium and the Texans will be charged up for a win.

 LADY DIANA............................a.k.a COCO

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The first game of the World Series between the San Francisco Giants and the Texas Rangers was a high scoring affair, one of the most exciting games I've seen all year.  The Giants prevailed 11 - 7, but the Rangers showed themselves to be a tough team even in defeat.  This won't be a cake walk for either team.  Still, I am gratified that my team, the Giants, won the first game.

The Giants' "bull pen," their reserve of pitchers, wear beards, or at least, most of them do.  Hence the Giants' slogan, "Fear the Beard," with many fans wearing fake beards in the stands.  See video for more details.

While the media in India has been going crazy about the possibility of Raja Chaudhary being brought in the Bigg Boss, season 4 house face to face with Shweta Tiwari and Dolly Bindra, another possibility is that Raja Chaudhary’s new girl friend Shradha Sharma could be a possible wild card entry. Not too long ago, Shradha Sharma in a free-wheeling interview had blasted Shweta Tiwari – Raja Chaudhary’s ex-wife – in the popular television magazine Showtime and even accused her of “sleeping around for work”.

Since then Shradha Sharma and Shweta Tiwari are sworn enemies.

Raja Chaudhary had openly declared in front of the media that Shradha Sharma is more talented and beautiful than his ex-wife. Since then and particularly since Shradha Sharma’s no-holes-barred interview to Showtime, Shweta and she are sworn enemies. Shradha Sharma cannot stand the sight of Shweta Tiwari whom she had accused of sending ‘goondas’ to harass Raja in the middle of the night.

Raja had even declared his intention to marry Shradha Sharma and had stated that the duo would get married next year 2011 after his divorce with Shweta Tiwari came through officially.

I ran the following post a couple of years ago when I first began my blog and I'm running it again because of the many e-mails I've received from parents wanting to provide Halloween and other treats to nut-allergic kids in the classroom.

There's just no easy way to say it: please don't bake for my peanut-allergic child--or any child with a food allergy, for that matter. Please, please don't do it.

You may be the mom who "loves to bake the treats" and I don't doubt that your intentions are good. But the risks are just way too high. Please ask the parents of the allergic kids, either directly, or through the teacher, to contribute a safe item. So many allergic reactions occur because someone ate a cookie or a cupcake they "thought" was safe. I cite the story by Dr. Robert Wood in his book "Food Allergies for Dummies." A fellow allergist baked him cookies, assured him they were "safe" and because of cross-contact of which the baker was unaware, Dr. Wood (himself allergic to peanuts) needed 5 doses of Epinephrine to recover--his reaction was that severe.

Parents of non-allergic kids: Don't feel like you're excluding anyone. We don't want an allergic reaction in our child: Period. We are happy to provide a safe treat. It's easier, safer, just plain better for everyone.

Here's my original post: "The Nuances of Nut-Free Baking":

I just read that the PTO is looking for people to contribute home-baked goods.

This year, for the first time, they asked parents to label the baked goods "Nuts" or "Nut Free." I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I read that piece of info.

Don't get me wrong. I'm thankful to the PTO moms who even thought about food allergies in the first place. And I know that they mean well. But if your child has a nut allergy, you know it's not that easy. It made me wonder who advised them on this issue. Had I known, I would have put my two cents in.

The good intentions of the PTO mothers, unfortunately, will be wasted on any food-allergic family that I know. We won't touch home-baked items from people we don't know (and of course no bakery items) because of the cross-contamination risk.

Here's the problem: just because an item was not baked with nuts doesn't make it nut free. For example: You use a knife to spread peanut butter on your kid's bread. You then slice into a stick of butter and spread that on your other child's bread. You put the butter back in the refrigerator.

Then, you decide to make a recipe for the bake sale that uses a half a stick of butter. You add the butter that touched the peanut butter knife into the recipe. You bake your brownies, cookies or whatever and you don't add nuts. Then you label the item "Nut Free." Voila! It's now contaminated by peanut matter not reflected on the label.

That's one scenario. I can think of many others, such as using a non-safe cake mix or frosting, or candy cake decorations that may have been processed on lines that process nuts. Besides utensils, shared bowls or the baker's own hands can transfer peanut or nut matter into recipes.

See, I know it sounds nit picky. But I can't risk my child having an allergic reaction. So of course we won't eat your home-baked treat. I'm sure it's delicious. It's nothing personal, really!

I considered baking a treat for the carnival and labeling it "Nut-Free. Prepared in a completely peanut-free, tree-nut free kitchen. My kid is allergic so I know what cross-contamination is. Eat it. It's safe. REALLY." (Or something like that.) I can still contribute, but I'm not counting on a food-allergic family to bring my treat home unless they know it's baked by me!

If I read that label, I'd still steer clear. You just never know. Better to skip the cake walk and bake something for my daughter at home. Better still if we could have "non-food" alternate prizes for various games and activities. Maybe next year!

SHAA........................... PHOTOGRAPHED BY I-VIEW MEDIA. VISIT:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hat tip Atlas Shrugs:

This cartoon video is actually a fairly accurate description of a conversation between a liberal and a conservative.  The liberal is reduced to slogans and personal insults, refusing to be deprogrammed from her thorough brain-washing by media and academia.

It's hard to believe, but the last two years of waiting is almost at an end.  One week from today we go to the polls to express our electoral disgust at the way Obama and the Democrats have destroyed the economy.

The buzz is that California will be a hold out in this next Republican revolution -- they will proudly and stubbornly be wrong once again.  While Californians struggle with 22% unemployment, free soup kitchens and food banks, they will nevertheless vote for the party who made their poverty possible.  My disgust for the California electorate knows no bounds; they are firmly, solidly and reflexively leftist.

As soon as the mortgage company kicks us out of this house, I will have to move somewhere.  Maybe that somewhere should be somewhere else.  Texas, perhaps.  Suggestions are welcome.



Monday, October 25, 2010

Hat tip:  the Other McCain

Things are really rough in California.  Yes, let's vote for more Democrats!!!  Not.  At least I still have a roof over my head, for a few more months, anyway.  My last mortgage payment was in June. This is no is a depression, and we need to stop kidding ourselves.


Lara Dutta FHM Magazine Photoshoot 2010

Actress Sherlyn Chopra Bares all on Twitter

Kim Sharma Maxim Magazine 2010 Photoshoot
Kim Sharma Maxim
Kim Sharma on Maxim