Monday, October 4, 2010

Here's the Seth McFarlane "Family Guy" cartoon that ran on Fox last night.  It features Rush Limbaugh and Brian the dog.  Limbaugh gives liberal Brian one of his books, and Brian becomes a right wing firebrand overnight.

The cartoon has more conservative stereotypes than it does liberal.  It had digs at George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, but hardly mentions Obama.  Was it funny?  Sort of, but like most things liberal, it wasn't really balanced.  All the jokes are anti-conservative, though muted.  McFarlane, the producer of the show, is a flaming liberal, but he held himself somewhat in check for this episode, probably as the price of Rush's participation.  Per Rush today, McFarlane reports being deluged with hate mail from the left for "making Rush look good."


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