Friday, November 19, 2010

I saw this over at Atlas Shrugs.  It's the new Islamic necktie for men.  Supposedly, the new tie takes the shape of the sword of Imam Ali,  cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad.  The new tie combines two Muslim icons:  a turban (with decorative fringe) and a curved, Islamic sword.

Some folks think the tie is just another Islamic phallic symbol, like minarets and scimitars.  I am outraged that anyone would read sexual references into these perfectly innocent symbols of Muslim traditions.  Some people just have dirty minds, but what are you gonna do?

Some people think my "saber" in my blog banner is also a phallic symbol.  NO IT ISN'T.  It used to be, when I colored it pink, but now that it is back to silver it is just a sword, nothing more.  I am so upset by this discussion that I think I will go outside and smoke a cigar.


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