Friday, March 6, 2009

Since it's the weekend, I thought I would include this wonderfully informative link about dining out from Sloane Miller, aka Allergic Girl.

Once you or your child receives a diagnosis of life-threatening food allergy, eating at a restaurant doesn't seem so fun and it isn't carefree anymore. I still go to restaurants with my daughter and strive for normalcy, but sometimes I feel hyper vigilant about the whole thing and it really takes away from the "fun, relaxing" aspect. Which is kind of the whole point of dining out!

This video link was created by the the Culinary Institute of America (The CIA, to you foodies out there) and underwritten by the National Peanut Board. Sloane, an awesome food allergy advocate and consultant, was asked to participate.

I hope you take the time to view the entire video. Sloane speaks from experience about what it's like to love restaurants and food, but to be limited by food allergies. Her tips are helpful to newbies as well as people who've been dealing with food allergies for years.

Just because you have food limitations doesn't mean you don't love food and restaurants. When we show up at (reputable) restaurants, we show chefs and restaurant owners that we are a growing population that needs to be accommodated.

Sometimes staying home seems easier--but take if from Sloane: You can have a great restaurant experience if you do your homework, follow your own gut instincts and ask a few questions, making sure you connect with the restaurant manager and the chef, if possible.

I know some of us have had reactions while dining out and when that happens, it's tempting to avoid restaurants altogether. This video really helped me learn how to approach eating establishments and I hope it helps you! Let me know what you think.


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