Sunday, January 13, 2008

As the mother of a (nearly) 8-year-old daughter who was diagnosed with a severe, life-threatening peanut and tree nut allergy 4 years ago, I sometimes feel like people look at me and my requests for my child as if I am "nuts." (Sorry, couldn't resist). A lot of people still don't get it and it is my mission to help get the word out about food allergies.

If you have a severely food-allergic child, you know that everyday activities like school, birthday parties, restaurants and travel are complicated by your child's allergy. However, I firmly believe that kids with allergies can and should live as normal a life as possible. That is my goal and the goal of the parents I know who have food-allergic kids.

It can be a scary world for those of us dealing with a severely nut-allergic child (doesn't it seem like the minute you get the diagnosis you find nuts are an ingredient in everything???) but I think having a sense of humor helps balance the practical side of any difficult issue. While severe food allergies are no laughing matter, I try to find the lighter side. This helps my daughter, too!

I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts, experiences and advice for parents dealing with the same issues.


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