Friday, July 1, 2011

Here's a baby mama shocker that'll make your head spin.
Salma Hayek, arguably one of the most beautiful women on the planet, is now married to her very wealthy husband of two years, François-Henri Pinault. But around the time they met in 2006, Pinault was making sweet love to another one of the world's most beautiful women, Linda Evangelista. Hey, it helps to have all that cash.
Nothing out of the ordinary for a man like him to have some gorgeous arm-candy attached to him. Thing is, he got both women pregnant that same year, resulting in the two sex sirens now having 4-year-olds by the French luxury brand owner—except that Evangelista had kept her baby daddy's name secret this whole time.
Until, that is, she was spotted in a New York court arguing over a child support agreement she made with Pinault. According to public records at the court, there are ongoing proceedings between her and Pinault.
So what's happening now? And did Salma know?


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