Friday, July 1, 2011

Judy Millard, who has lived in the picture-perfect Cotswolds village of Southrop for almost half a century, is stuck in a traffic jam and is not happy.
"Why can't she have got married somewhere else? I only live up behind that big tree but I can't imagine ever actually getting there. And I'm sick of being told what to do by all these men."
The "she" in question was no other than the supermodel Kate Moss, who was about to be married in the village. The "men" were Gloucestershire constabulary's finest, not to mention countless private security guards equipped with sunglasses, earpieces and determined "thou shalt not pass" looks.
The venue for the nuptials of Moss and the Kills guitarist Jamie Hince was not announced in advance. But the appearance of a small town of marquees behind Moss's country retreat and the presence of thosepolice and private security guards blocking the way to St Peter's church in Southrop gave the game away.


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