Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It has never been a secret that Camille Grammer worked her acting skills in a couple of soft-core porn movies back in the day, but those skin flicks are coming back to haunt her. Other 'Housewives of Beverly Hills' have discovered still-shots from Grammer's past and are having a little fun with them.

"The Housewives discovered softporn pictures of Camille online and sent the links to everybody they know."
"The women started e-mailing the links to one another and writing the funniest comments. They loved that several porn sites listed Camille as having an average body and looks and too-large boobs."
Before Grammer started crap with other Housewives, she might have thought about the skeletons in her own the closet. It is immature that they're sending the picture to each other and giggling like little girls, but I think Grammer brought this on herself. Do you think this has anything to do with Grammer wanting to depart the 'Housewives' series? The other ladies better hope Grammer doesn't have any dirty secrets on them!
If you'd like to check out a few photos of Grammer doing her porn thang in 'The Naked Detective,' we've got them after the jump!


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