Thursday, February 3, 2011

Obama Triggers Blackouts, Obama Administration: "The power outages currently being implemented in Texas and nationwide as record cold grips the United States are a direct consequence of the Obama administration's agenda to lay siege to the coal industry, start taking control of the infrastructure on man-made global warming scam, and help usher in the post-industrial decline of America. "
The site insists that energy shortages incurred as a result of extreme weather conditions involving most of the countries of the blizzard of 2011 are actually part of a plan for the Obama administration to bankrupt the coal industry and send the U.S. energy infrastructure to disaster. "The Obama administration is carrying out industrial war against the United States," says the site.
To support his claim, he carries twelve seconds, a single sentence, totally out of context from an interview that President Obama gave in 2008 about the possibility of introducing a cap and trade system to reduce carbon emissions.
Both 12-second clip and a large segment of the interview that has all the context are listed below. In the 12-second clip, Obama said: "So if someone wants to build a coal power plant can, but go bankrupt because they charge a huge sum for all that greenhouse gases being issued. "
In the same interview, said "The concept of" no coal ", I think, is an illusion." Talk about a hypothetical future in imposing cap and trade to encourage energy suppliers of coal to the way capture and store carbon emissions rather than releasing it into the environment. In this hypothetical future, coal suppliers who choose to devote all their releases to the environment rather than figure out how to sequester to provide "clean coal" of energy would be bankrupted by rigid quotas. He is to discuss the creation of market reasons, not the bankruptcy.
In any case, we have a cap and trade system. No legislation of the class has been approved. In reality, the effectiveness of Obama in the regulation of traditional energy giant was so small that his administration could not trigger blackouts if they wanted.
Infowars argument is all wrong: In fact, energy policy has allowed to throw coal power emissiosn ungodly amounts in the environment without any form of oversight has led to climate change, leading to the snow storm brutal this year, which in turn led to blackouts.
The accusation that Obama provokes blackouts may be unfounded, but the climate deniers could trigger a climate apocalypse.


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