Monday, June 15, 2009

I got a lot of questions and response from my previous Hershey post regarding the safety of their candies. I understand why--we'd love to have a few more choices at the supermarket for our allergic family members.

Good news, kids. Hershey, at least, has several products that the nut-allergic can use. For all other allergies, check the labels, please. Those of you with milk or dairy allergies should probably stick to Enjoy Life or other dairy-free chocolate brands.

Check out this link from the FAQS page at Hershey. It confirms what I have been told--if there is any concern about crossover contact, they will have an allergy warning such as "may contains" or "processed on equipment with." If you don't see this type of allergy warning you can then deem the product "safe."

So that would mean plain Hershey's milk chocolate kisses are safe for nut allergies--for other varieties--and there are so many--please read the labels carefully. Also, Hershey's semi-sweet baking chips are OK--good to know since Nestle are off limits.

Of course, companies can make mistakes so we never have guarantees when purchasing prepared foods. However, kudos to Hershey (located in my husband's hometown!) for taking food allergies seriously. If you have questions about specific allergy needs, you can call Hershey at 1-800-468-1714. Hours are Monday-Friday between 9 and 4 ET.

I hope this helps clear up some of the confusion!


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