Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I just received a rather disturbing e-mail alert written by an ER worker and felt the need to make us all aware of its contents. Apparently the asthma inhaler called Atrovent contains a peanut oil derivative. The nebulizer and nasal spray do not, but patients with peanut allergies should check with their physicians about avoiding all Atrovent meds.

According to the e-mail alert, ER patients who enter the hospital due to an asthma attack are routinely given both Albuterol and Atrovent, so if your child has asthma and a peanut allergy you will not want this given to them.

Here is a link that talks more about who should take Atrovent.

I would ask all of you to follow up with your doctors about this--I will do the same with mine. I'm not an allergist but I thought I would put this info out there since the last thing we want when our child is having an asthma attack is for them to be given peanut oil via the inhaler!

Also, it goes to show how important it is to communicate to all medical people who work on your child--including dentists--that they have a peanut allergy.

It's official: peanut products really are everywhere! Sigh.

I'll let you know what I find out and please feel free to chime in if you've heard anything about this product.


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