Monday, December 8, 2008

I'm hoping you all can help me with this one. As I've blogged about before, I'm a bit cautious about dining out with my daughter, though we do have a few "go to" places we visit with some regularity.

The other day I received an e-mail from an adult who was recently diagnosed with nut allergies. They wondered if there are some good restaurant chains that they could use for the purpose of business lunches. I agree that restaurant chains can be a good choice--you know what you're dealing with menu-wise ahead of time.

When I go out for an adult dining experience these days, I usually don't look at whether or not it's nut-free. So this question really got me thinking.

Of course, I directed this reader to Allergic Girl's awesome blog, but she usually doesn't go to chains.

In my family's nut-free dining out we generally stick to Mediterrean cuisine and American grilled stuff like burgers and unsauced chicken, etc.

I know that many of you out there will have some good thoughts on this, so let me know. Any chains you like? Any you would avoid? I'm all ears.


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