Tuesday, December 30, 2008
If you're dealing with nut allergies, you know about checking for ingredients in food of course, but it doesn't stop there. Shampoo, lotion, cosmetics, sunscreen, hand soap--they all can contain nut ingredients.
Most of us are aware of those dangers, once we've read a few labels and seen how prevalent nut ingredients are in all sorts of products. Still, I came across a few new ones while perusing my FAAN newsletter. It just goes to show you--always check labels no matter what!
A few of the unusual products sited for food allergens:
Looseleaf tea -- nut allergens on the ingredients label
Packaged popcorn -- fish mentioned on the ingredients label
A type of multivitamin -- peanut mentioned on the label
Here are a couple of more that I've gleaned in my travels:
Beanbag chair filling--sometimes can contain peanut shells
Pet food, especially small rodent food and birdseed--often contains peanut ingredients
I'm sure you've encountered others, so if you have some "out there" ones of your own, please share then with us!