Saturday, May 7, 2011

I have made it clear that I am tolerant of gays.  I neither attack gays nor support them in their lifestyle.  However, I am sick to death of Hollywood's massive campaign to normalize homosexuality.  Tolerance is one thing, celebration is something else entirely.

Last night I saw an episode of "Gray's Anatomy" playing on our television set, that my wife had left on.  In it the two major characters of the serial were getting married and exchanging vows.  No problem there.  Simultaneously, however, two lesbian characters were getting married and exchanging vows.  Previously in this serial, both of these women were heterosexual (one was portrayed as being married to a man).  However, the local GLAAD representative must have called, because both women became lovers (of each other).

I stopped watching "Gray's Anatomy" when that happened.  I no longer felt comfortable being a target of leftist propaganda, i.e. that the whole world is gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, and that we should present it, portray it and celebrate it as if it were as normal, as widespread and as beautiful as wildflowers in Spring.

I stopped watching "Glee" for the same reason.  I could tolerate, even sympathize with one gay character and his problems, but then other members of the cast started being portrayed as gay, too.  My tolerance was breached when one scene depicted two gay guys enjoying a romantic kiss on the lips.  Barf.  I decided that "Glee" should be renamed "Gleefully Gay."  It was no longer for me.

Hollyweird should use gay characters when and if they are relevant to the plot.  However, putting whole squads of gays into a medieval catapult and firing them straight at my face -- well, that's just too much.  No can stomach, Hollyweird.  The reason is simple:  the world is not gay, gay, gay, gay, gay.  It is mostly straight, and too much gayness makes us nauseous.


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