Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Yesterday, this article covered the topic of food-allergic kids getting bullied. Gina Clowes of Allergy Moms shared this article and was interviewed as well. As always, Gina did a great job!

I'm always sorry to hear about kids being bullied due to food allergies. It's just not acceptable and schools need to get on board with including this aspect in their bullying prevention.

We've not experienced physical bullying due to food allergies, but teasing has definitely happened. Luckily, it hasn't amounted to much and I think most kids are supportive of their food-allergic peers. It's been my experience that kids can be more supportive than the adults at times! Still, teasing and harrassment can happen. Here is a post I wrote about food allergy teasing and how we handled it.

I'm glad that the mainstream media has begun to look at the social and lifestyle aspects of food allergies instead of only focusing on the medical issues that surround this topic. I've always maintained that the lifestyle issues of life-threatening food allergies are some of the most challenging.

What have your experiences been? How have you handled food allergy bullying and/or teasing?


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