Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I just discovered this piece of news from Food Allergy Mama, Kelly, and her recent post on Facebook. Remember Joel Stein, author of the truly vicious OpEd in the LA Times? Thanks to many kind readers, here is the link. (I had tried it a couple of days ago and it was broken.)

The gist of the Stein OpEd is that it lambasted parents of kids with nut allergies by calling into question not only the parents' rationality and intellect, but the reality of nut allergies in the first place. According to Mr. Stein, nut allergies are an invention of "rich, white, Yuppies" who want to "feel special."

Oh, dear. Mr. Stein is now going to have to eat his nutty words, preferably without any jelly to make it all go down easier. Because the August 9 version of Time Magazine has an article by Mr. Stein stating, that, wait for it...his 1-year-old son has nut allergies. Yes, you read that right. I guess truth is stranger than fiction.

At the time he wrote his '09 OpEd LA Times article, Joel Stein had zero tolerance for parents dealing with the often scary reality of a life-threatening food allergy. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten my hands on his current article yet because the Time website won't let you read more than a paragraph. I've got to buy the mag, inadvertently contributing to Mr. Stein's earnings. I have a feeling he can use the extra money. Maybe for a membership to FAAN? Or for expensive EpiPens and allergist visits? Or for allergy-friendly foods (which tend to cost more)?

I am saddened for anyone who learns that their child has a life-threatening nut allergy, don't get me wrong. I hope that child stays safe and healthy. Hey, I know of a great blog about nut allergies that might be able to help.....

Unfortunately for Mr. Stein, the reality of nut allergies is not going to reveal itself to him overnight, allowing him to quickly dismiss his previous beliefs and move on. Over the next months and even years, he'll have to cope with many issues he may have never even considered when he wrote his damaging OpEd.

However, when he's ready to find our community, we'll be here with our tips, advice and support because we've already been where he is now, that is, sitting up at 3 in the morning worrying about our child. It all gets easier, Joel. Especially if you keep an open mind.


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