Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Michael Lohan officially announced his engagement to former tabloid reporter andJon Gosslein’s ex, Kate Major, and now he reveals the couple is planning to get pregnant.

“Kate wants a baby,” Lindsay Lohan’s dad confessed to Hollyscoop. “Since I’m getting no younger, we practice at least four times a night. We agreed, that if she does get pregnant, one is enough.”

The couple will have their wedding in New York and Michael hopes the rest of the Lohan family will be in attendance.

“The wedding will be at Oheka Castle on Long Island,” he continued to Hollyscoop. “I hope that Lindsay and the rest of my kids will be there if Dina doesn’t thwart it like she did my dad’s funeral. Some things in life are sacred, yet some know what that word means. Such as family.”


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