Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Passover, Nut-Free Mom readers! Since Passover revolves around food, I thought I'd direct you to a great blog that is currently featuring some nut-free Passover recipes: Kids Food Allergies Blog.

Scroll down this blog and you'll find recipes for haroseth (Passover sweet dish usually containing nuts) as well as apple kugel and other nut-free Passover suggestions. If you haven't check out Kids Food Allergies Blog yet, now is a great time to do so! Tell 'em I sent you.

Also, Allergic Girl puts in her two cents about a food allergy-free Passover on her blog today, including the fact that her friend will be hosting an allergy-free seder. Food-allergic individuals really rely on their friends to help keep them safe and this is a great example.

Of course, my number one suggestion is to always offer to bring an allergy-friendly version of a traditional holiday food. That way, everybody can enjoy it and you or your child won't feel left out. And always be careful about serving spoons, etc. because cross-contact can occur at large gatherings!

Enjoy your spring holidays and let us know what you plan to do to ensure a food-allergy friendly experience!


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