Sunday, April 19, 2009

Q. What type of man do you dig for?
A. First of all, I don’t dig for man. I prefer a self-made man, who’s down to earth. One who’s loving and caring. Someone who understands me and pampers me a lot. He should have respect for my parents. He should also have a killer smile.

Q. Your favourite romantic getaway would be…
A. Gold coast. It’s a beautiful beach in Australia. In India, it would be Goa.

Q. Do you believe that men are from mars and women from Venus?
A. No. I don’t.

Q. Which man inspires you the most?
A. My dad for the person he is. He is head strong, focused in life, very intelligent and educated. He has taught me that money isn’t all that matters in life. He believes in good will. He has proved to be a great husband and the greatest father.

Q. If given a chance to date a historical character who would he be and why?
A. Hitler. Maybe I would have brought out the romantic angle in him and prevented Second World War from taking place.

Q. You believe in one night stand or commitment?
A. Definitely, commitment.

Q. Can a man and a woman have a platonic relationship?
A. People say that a man and a woman can’t be friends, but I believe that they can take care of each other without any sexual feelings attached to it.

Q. Your first crush?
A. There was a cute boy residing in my society. I used to go and stand for my school bus half an hour before to take a glimpse of this boy.

Q. Your take on institution of marriage from the point of view of you being a bachelor?
A. Indian culture and rashams are very rich and meaningful. Our traditions and culture should definitely be followed. I feel marriage is a very important part of anyone’s life.

Q. What would you do if your man is found to be a gay?
A. First of all, I can never fall for a guy who’s a gay. His body language and behaviour would easily suggest his state.

Q. Is the sense of humour most important to you?
A. It’s not the most important. The most important is that the guy should love me. There should be an argument between us on the fact that who loves whom the most.

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