Tuesday, January 13, 2009

You only have until tomorrow to submit your comments about the current "May contains" FDA food labeling, so if you haven't commented yet, now's your chance! Click here for the form.

Please consider doing this! Your voice is so important and it's rare that our government actually asks the public for their opinions on this issue.

Also, from my "You Can't Be Too Careful" files, check this one out: My daughter went sledding with a new friend last weekend and then she was supposed to go "meet" her friend's new dog at the girl's house.

As they drove away from the sledding hill and started discussing the new puppy, both the little girl and her mom realized that the dog (at the vet's suggestion) had its toys covered in peanut butter in order to lure it into its cage. They all agreed it would be better for my daughter not to visit the dog until it and the house were not so "peanutty." Thank goodness for that...my daughter didn't really even mind. She was happy they thought of it.

Never in my life would I have thought that a dog would be eating peanut butter!!! Have any of you ever heard of this one???

It just goes to show--you've got to bring this up with every parent no matter what the activity! My solution for this is to host the majority of play dates at our house...but of course we don't have the allure of a new dog (though we're being lobbied for one as I write this.) I think it's important to let your (older) children go out on their own--just be ready for anything.

Another disaster averted! Just another day in the life for us nut-free parents, right?


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