Monday, December 27, 2010

Thanks to the friends and blog readers who alerted me to the fact that Silk brand soy milk now has a nut allergy warning for almond. Silk brand also produces almond milk, so this is an alert that you should pay attention to. We have used Silk many times and I know many of you have as well, especially if you also cope with dairy allergies.

Right now, I'm only aware of nut allergy warnings on Silk brand. If I see other name brands with this warning, I will let you know. Also, if you know of any, feel free to post here.

Silk also lists coconut in their allergy warning. It's that crazy FDA again. Coconut is a fruit, not a tree nut. See my post about coconut. Also, here's what FAAN has to say about coconut and the new labels:

Should coconut be avoided by someone with a tree nut allergy?Discuss this with your doctor. Coconut, the seed of a drupaceous fruit, has typically not been restricted in the diets of people with tree nut allergy. However, in October of 2006, the FDA began identifying coconut as a tree nut. The available medical literature contains documentation of a small number of allergic reactions to coconut; most occurred in people who were not allergic to other tree nuts. Ask your doctor if you need to avoid coconut.

This new allergy warning on Silk brand is a good lesson that reinforces the need to always read labels, even on foods or beverages you've used before. Labels change frequently. Also, take a look at what else your favorite brands are producing. Do they also make a lot of products with peanuts or tree nuts? It's possible they are taking precautions or using separate manufacturing lines, but always check with the manufacturer to determine their practices.

Thanks again to everyone (including my husband, a soy milk drinker) who alerted me about this new label!


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