Monday, February 15, 2010

Calling all Canadians!! I know that I have a lot of Canadian readers, so let us know about the labeling practices there. I'm sure they're somewhat similar since Canada and the U.S. have so many shared products but have you noticed any differences?

Labels are on my mind a lot these days since I have been getting so many reader questions and have been having my own questions.

One thing I wonder about is the use of "may contains" labeling. Do you find that frequently on Canadian products and do you trust it? I've also noticed that some products that are U.S. based, when sold in Canada, have "nut-free" versions we don't have here. One example is Quaker Oats granola bars. What are some others?

Any input is welcome about labeling woes in Canada--or maybe you can tell us what you're doing better than the U.S.

Thanks in advance for the info!


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