Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Peanut Avenger!!!

I just read about singer/songwriter Kyle Dine and his food-allergy music CD for young kids on another food allergy site and it got me thinking. He has a song on it called "Epi Man" and it's all about how a "guy in a cape", aka, a food allergy superhero will help administer the Epi Pen if an emergency arises.

I had to laugh about "Epi Man" because there have been times that I have imagined a superhero alter-ego for myself with "special powers" whose mission is to eradicate peanuts from the planet. (No, I'm pretty sure I'm not crazy and truthfully, what mother hasn't wished at one time or another that she has "super powers?")

I first imagined this alter ego of mine, "The Peanut Avenger," when I saw that Arthur episode on PBS where Binky Barnes has a dream in which Bionic Bunny saves him from Mr. Peanut. It got me thinking--we food allergy parents could use some help from Bionic Bunny in our daily lives.

You may be thinking right about now that I know this Arthur stuff a little too well and that I should be watching some more "mature" viewing material. And I promise, I will. For example, Colin Firth's new movie is out in a week and I will be there with bells on. I urge you all to attend--he's dreamy.

But anyway, there are several instances where "The Peanut Avenger" might come in handy. For instance, my superpowers would include being able to make peanut butter sandwiches, Reese's and other forms of peanut and tree nut vaporize with my intense, anti-peanut vision.

This would be especially helpful at places where many kids w/peanuts congregate such as outdoor picnics, elementary schools, Chicago museums and cafes where baked goods like "Snicker's Pie" are stacked up next to the foods that would otherwise be "safe." And I can think of one time I would have loved to zap a Reese's right out of a kid's hand after he started mushing it all over a common picnic table that my daughter was seated at.

"The Peanut Avenger"--now that would be a great film, for kids and adults. Mr. Firth, what's your schedule looking like? You could be my trusty sidekick, like Robin is to Batman. My only request is that you have to wear a cape. Oh, and um, tights.


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